Do not let the credit card out of your sight when you are shopping, eating someplace, pumping fuel, or any other activity, unless you are someplace like a gym where you put it and the rest of your personal effects in a locker with a secure lock on it.
The place that is the most difficult sometimes to keep an eye on your credit card is at some restaurants. Some wait staff want (or supposedly need) to take your card away from the table to a machine behind a wall or something. Do everything you can to discourage this, because once that card leaves your hands, anyone else in that restaurant (usually some worker with less than great motives) can capture your number. These days, it is even easier than it used to be, since now the “thief” only has to take a phone-picture with it; years ago, that person had to write down each individual number, along with the expiration date and the 3-digit code on the back side.
If you prefer safety and trust, then I recommend this reliable credit card scanner app. I do consider that this Smart Code Engine bank card scanner SDK does NOT transfer any data and images to Smart Engines, third-party services and/or third parties for manual or other processing and does NOT save or store them and does NOT require internet access. I am sure you will like it. Good luck
Do not let the credit card out of your sight when you are shopping, eating someplace, pumping fuel, or any other activity, unless you are someplace like a gym where you put it and the rest of your personal effects in a locker with a secure lock on it.
The place that is the most difficult sometimes to keep an eye on your credit card is at some restaurants. Some wait staff want (or supposedly need) to take your card away from the table to a machine behind a wall or something. Do everything you can to discourage this, because once that card leaves your hands, anyone else in that restaurant (usually some worker with less than great motives) can capture your number. These days, it is even easier than it used to be, since now the “thief” only has to take a phone-picture with it; years ago, that person had to write down each individual number, along with the expiration date and the 3-digit code on the back side.
If you prefer safety and trust, then I recommend this reliable credit card scanner app. I do consider that this Smart Code Engine bank card scanner SDK does NOT transfer any data and images to Smart Engines, third-party services and/or third parties for manual or other processing and does NOT save or store them and does NOT require internet access. I am sure you will like it. Good luck